I am indeed very much so a Christian.
That is going to be my lead in to this blog because of the fact that I will be talking about what I believe is the most astounding fact about the universe, and unless you are aware of my faith and beliefs then my point of view will be misunderstood.
Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson makes an excellent argument of what he believes to be the most astounding fact (link to video below).  He talks about how the stars are the origin of all life comes from the stars and supernovas sending atoms flying in all directions.

My personal beliefs do not follow Mr. DeGrasse Tyson's but I find what he believes very interesting.  I do not agree with him but find an interesting starting point for a discussion.
The entire aspect that we came from atoms given up by the explosions of stars never exactly made sense to me.  I mean the same argument can be made towards my beliefs but I am only going to talk about what Neil talks about in the video.
What I don't exactly understand is how nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms could possibly create life on their own, I mean sure oxygen and hydrogen can bond to form water but water is as useful in space as carbon dioxide is to the human lung.  It will do nothing essentially.  So how life comes out of something as useless as water in space I don't really understand.
Also going farther back if you discuss the big ban theory, the entire idea that something exploded makes no real sense.  I mean how could some random elements (if that is what supposedly exploded) cause life to be created and an entire solar system over time? I don't understand though I do find all of these beliefs interesting.
Until next time, goodbye my readers.
10/31/2013 12:21:47 am

Nice blog! I liked on your home page how you put your favorite genre of music:) I also enjoy how you end all your posts.


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    Ethan Sloan