Hello blog readers!
In Civics we have recently watched the movie V for Vendetta in which England has become a dictatorship underneath the rule of High Chancellor Adam Sutler.  There is an anti-political radicallist known as "V" whom has a goal at the beginning of the movie to complete Guy Faux's goal of blowing up parliament.  Furthermore V's large goal is to mobilize the people to challenge the government.
This film did a stupendous job of showing the possible issues with a dictatorship.  Issues such as having a power hungry jerk call the shots on an entire country who has no form of remorse for harm to the people he rules over as long as he gets more and more power.

The anti-hero of V shows some good values and morals through his desire to bring the corrupt government to justice but some rather bad values and morals through his seemingly mindless killing to get revenge for what the government did to him.
It was actually a very enjoyable movie to watch and see how the government put out different plans were plotted and put into action and then stopped by V.  It was a well put together movie and I suggest that all of you watch it!
For now, goodbye my readers!

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    Ethan Sloan